Online Classes

Online Wine Classes

You will be enrolled into the WSET Digital campus, and have at your disposal the digital resources and an educator for the duration of the course. You will then take your exam with Southeastern Beverage Education within a year of completing the course. You are to source samples for the course with our guidance.

Registration for these online classes must be placed 3 weeks before the start date.

Your registration includes access to the WSET Digital Classroom, a study-pack (for Level 2 and Level 3 classes only) and an in-person exam. If you decide to take the exam remotely (only available for Levels 1 and 2), there is an additional $45.00 charge. You will pay for that portion when you register for your Remote exam. That link is at the bottom of this page.

Level 3 classes include an Online tasting tutorial day.

Select a class below for more information and to begin the checkout process.

NEW! Level 1 Wines Online Class Features

SEBEVED sets itself apart from other providers by offering unique supplements alongside WSET's exceptional modules and study guide on their Digital Campus. We provide…

  • Palate Calibration Kit

  • Instructional Video Aids

  • Optional: Wine Tasting Kit through Master of the World

Online Spirits Classes

You will be enrolled into the WSET Digital campus, and have at your disposal the digital resources and an educator for the duration of the course. You will then take your exam with Southeastern Beverage Education within a year of completing the course. You are to source samples to the course with our guidance.

Registration for these online classes must be placed 3 weeks before the start date.

Your registration includes access to the WSET Digital Classroom, a study-pack (for Level 2 and Level 3 classes only) and an in-person exam. If you decide to take the exam remotely (only available for Levels 1 and 2), there is an additional $45.00 charge. You will pay for that portion when you register for your Remote exam. That link is at the bottom of this page.

Level 3 classes include an Online tasting tutorial day.

Select a class below for more information and to begin the checkout process.

Online Beer Classes

A brand new release from WSET! Southeastern Beverage Education is among the first schools in the world to offer these new qualifications for beer.

These courses follow a proven method of carefully and deliberately delivering the most important information about beer at a specific level, then building upon that foundation as one progresses from one level to the next.

Registration for these online classes must be placed 3 weeks before the start date.

You will be enrolled into the WSET Digital campus, and have at your disposal the digital resources and an educator for the duration of the course. You will then take your exam with Southeastern Beverage Education within a year of completing the course. You are to source samples to the course with our guidance.

Your registration includes access to the WSET Digital Classroom, a study-pack (for Level 2 only) and an in-person exam. If you decide to take the exam remotely, there is an additional $45.00 charge. You will pay for that portion when you register for your Remote exam. That link is at the bottom of this page.

Select a class below for more information and to begin the checkout process.

SEBEVED is committed to promoting diversity in the wine and spirits trade. Scholarships are available for individuals who demonstrate need. Please email me with a summary of your need before you register for a class.